
Selling Can Be Fun for Accountants with Michelle Weinstein

Ever put selling and fun in the same sentence? 

If you’re like a lot of tax professionals and accountants, you shudder every time you have to think about sales. Sales feels like a slimy part of business… and it’s difficult to express your value and convince others of it too.

But…Selling doesn’t have to be hard. 

And it shouldn’t be about gimmicks. Selling is about offering solutions to solve people’s problems. More importantly, it’s a key part of turning the leads coming through your doors into actual paying clients

“But what if I’m not good at it?”  

Michelle Weinstein shares with host Christian Jones her easy (and surprising) selling formula, and the 3 P’s of selling that will help tax and accounting business owners convert leads and boost their bottom line.

Michelle Weinstein (founder of The Abundant Accountant) has helped numerous accountants grow their firms to seven figures and beyond by making selling FUN. 

She has successfully trained accountants, CPAs, EAs, bookkeepers, and other financial professionals how to charge higher fees and double their firm revenue, and…

She can help you too:

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More from Michelle

Are you sick of giving away free advice? Undercharging your fees just so clients say yes to you? or do you feel like you are on a hamster wheel and can’t get off?

The 5 Steps to Abundance is my simple 5-step process accountants use to go from “waiting around for the busy season” to closing high-level clients who say YES to paying you what you’re worth (no matter how much you charge) and who actually appreciate the work you do for them!

Click here to get The 5 Steps to Abundance!

Connect with Michelle Weinstein


Instagram: @thepitchqueen

Facebook: thepitchqueen

Twitter: @thepitchqueenLinkedIn:


– Want to reduce sales call volume? The #1 thing you can do: analyze your client list. Grade the clients and get rid of anyone who’s turning up on the lower half of your grading list.

– You have to understand the problem that you’re solving for people that come to you.

– Making sales comes from persistence. Listen to people’s problems, then bring them a solution with your services.

– People aren’t buying your resume. They are buying YOU… and your ability to understand and solve their problem.

This episode is brought to you by TaxProMarketer, a leading marketing agency serving CPA & tax firms. It was established in May of 2007 in response to increased demand for real-world, relationship-building (and profit-producing) marketing tools for use in the tax and accounting industry.

Currently, TaxProMarketer serves clients all across the United States and Canada who use their services to build relationships with their prospects & existing clients, as well as to grow the value of their business (for immediate cashflow and future sale-ability) by utilizing the following tools: a relational email marketing program, social media feed program, local listings management & optimization, and creating full “online marketing machines” for clients (which include SEO-optimized, conversion-centric custom websites).

TaxProMarketer is a Keap Certified Partner and a Digital Marketer Certified Agency.