
Be A Voice In The Storm: Email Marketing For Accountants And Tax Pros

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It’s become very obvious that our national discourse is broken. Neighbor against neighbor, social media-fueled anger and pain is spilling from the screens to the streets, and trust in institutions previously thought to be sacred are plummeting (and have been doing so for years, per Gallup).

But despite these crazy times, there is some very good news, at least for your business: YOU are the last bastion of trust.

In that Gallup survey I linked above, did you see what has the HIGHEST measure of public trust, even more than the military? Small business.

And for YOU, running a small business dedicated to helping your clients to navigate through the maze of governmental forms and procedures … well, in times of chaos, transition or unrest, who do you think might have an opportunity to have a voice into the storm?

You, that’s who.

And speaking directly to your clients about the financial and taxation ramifications of whatever the next few months brings us is going to be key.

Email marketing for accountants and tax pros is the way. (And we can help you figure out how to profitably implement it during one of our complimentary sessions, by the way.)

And neither generic “tax tips” newsletters — nor carnival-barker throat-grabbing — will do the trick.

Relationship-oriented, nurture-style emails (with occasional calls to action) is a critical tool in the 2020 small business toolbox.

A recently-onboarded client (who had been starting to utilize this type of email marketing for accountants and tax pros) sent us this note a few weeks ago:

“I thought marketing emails were stupid and would never work, but then my clients started responding with stuff like, ‘These are great’, and ‘Love the emails’. I fully expected snarky responses, but it’s only been positive. I was shocked, and realized I should’ve been doing this earlier.” – Roland, CPA

That’s because when you speak directly, from the heart, and with authoritative, USEFUL information … good things happen. Even when the world feels like it might be falling apart.

And we’re here to help.

Serve the world unselfishly, and profit…

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