
Three Marketing Keys For the Last Month of Tax Season

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“The spirited horse, which will of itself strive to win the race, will run still more swiftly if encouraged.”
– Ovid
Let’s get right to it. It’s the end of the week, and it’s tax season! I’ve just got a quick tip for you to chew on, heading into the weekend…
The one thing that most Tax Pros fail to understand is that although they’re in the tax preparation business, their real business is the marketing of tax services.
You may have heard this before, but stop. Think about it.
What does your business look like right about now?
Take a minute to really think about your current level of commitment to marketing your business. You may be the best Tax Pro in the country.
You may have the best training and all the top skills, but if you don’t have the tools and systems to automatically attract people into your office–and turn them into clients–then you’ll struggle.
More here…
Nate Hagertys
“Profit For Life”
Tax & Accounting Business Marketing Strategy
3 Marketing Keys For Tax Season
This axiom is true of every other business in the world (at least the ones
that have to turn a profit to survive): Is McDonald’s in the business of
selling hamburgers or is it in the business of making you want to buy
their hamburgers?

No, it’s not a trick question.

The obvious answer there is — “both!”

I won’t go into how they make their hamburgers (I don’t think we really
want to know) but I WILL tell you that what McDonald’s does is they get
people to go and get a hamburger that is no better than you and I can
make on our own grill. (Ok, probably even worse).

The secret to succeeding in your business and taking your tax business to
the next level is marketing…marketing…and client relationship and

Make note of this:

“Educated Clients Refer More, Use More Services, and are Happier, More Loyal Clients.”

Therefore, you should be asking: “Nate, how do I educate my clients…so that they
refer, choose more services, stay with me for years

That is the real question.

So, here are the three big things

1. Use targeted, direct response marketing

2. Have an internal referral generation system that works day in, day out, like an automated SYSTEM.

3. Send them regular ‘strategy’ tips that educate them, stimulate more referrals, and get them to refer.

Everything else fall under these categories.

This is a simple template for you for the big picture–but now, with exactly one month left in tax season as I write it, it’s even more critical.

So, a simple suggestion for you: (I’ve been pounding this drum, as it’s truly the best kind of marketing you can be doing at this stage of your busy season)
Send your clients a “non sales” thank-you note, print newsletter, email, or other form of communication. If you pull it off properly, you can work in a request for referrals. And don’t forget that many people would LOVE to have you “look over their shoulder” and review a self-prepared return, or past-year return (for a fee, or for the opportunity you’d get to take them on as a client). It’s truly a win-win!
Yes, it’s no secret that I provide these services “done for you”, so I may not be an unbiased source of advice here. But these services were built in response to decades of marketing truth, and client requests. So, get ‘er done … whether it’s through us, or you pulling it off yourself — this last month is no time to stop marketing!
But only if you do it within the framework stated above.
God bless you–and your firm! More to come, next week…

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